• Steal to Survive

    Steal your business model. We don’t have a shortage of business models, it’s okay if you pick one that’s already working for someone else. Steal your web design. There will always be enough people brave enough to invent whole new ways of interacting online. But unless you’re an interaction designer or your business model depends […]

  • Listening Requires Thinking

    Nobody listens. That’s one reason why people just respond “Fine” or “Good” when you ask them “How are you?”. We have so many rehearsed answers that we can conjure up in a split second and respond to another person before they’re even done talking. All you have to do is listen for the audible cues […]

  • People Prefer Paper Promotions

    In a world that is more and more focused on you and your smart phone there are some things that just haven’t changed yet. An overwhelming majority of consumers still prefer to get coupons mailed to them rather than sent to their mobile device. The majority of consumers (75%) still prefer promotional content and coupons […]

  • Drive Email Marketing With Analytics

    It takes a true visionary to be able to say what they want and not have to listen to their audience. A true visionary can create need within the audience through invention (i.e. Apple). The rest of us better start listening to our audience. If the first step is listening to your audience then, during […]

  • Cross Channel Marketing Tips

    Cross channel marketing isn’t something you do to simply ‘shake it up’. Cross channel marketing can be something you use to be more personal. As marketing is more and more targeted adding a channel to your marketing mix is a way to get in front of your customer where ever that might be. Here are […]

  • Postmaster General's 4 Star Plan

    When Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe wasn’t encouraging mailers to utilize data and analytics in their marketing he laid out a four part plan that marketer’s can implement to be better at direct mail. It reads like something that ‘we’ should do but as a marketer you should read it as something ‘you’ should do. We […]

  • Write Better Subject Lines

    I’ve signed up for lots of emails through the years but I’ve unsubscribed or began to ignore lots of them by now. The ones that have stuck around are the ones who realized that it’s a privilege that I’m allowing them in my inbox and made it worth my while. In short they built a […]