• Email: The Perfect Direct Mail Add-On

    Want to increase the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns? Add a branded email with the same design components as the direct mail piece so that they are part of an integrated campaign. Adding branded email as a secondary touch doubles the customer. Let’s look at three reasons why. We see this two-step process approach […]

  • Bridging the Digital Divide: The Vital Role of Print in Reaching Everyone

    In today’s digitally driven world, it’s easy to assume that everyone is connected, but the reality is quite different. Millions of Americans still lack access to high-speed Internet—42 million Americans, to be exact. (The FCC defines “high-speed” as download speeds of at least 25 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 3 Mbps.) This underscores […]

  • Making Sense of Omni, Multi, Cross, and Integrated Channel Marketing

    As you seek to break through the marketing clutter, the more channels, the better. Pairings such as print with email, email with social media, and social media with print will result in higher response rates than any single channel alone. As you plan your efforts, you may wonder about the terms “omnichannel marketing,” “multichannel marketing,” […]

  • 5 Tips for Better Multichannel Campaigns

    With your customers being bombarded with so many different channels daily, how do you pick the right channel(s) to get your message across? In an ideal world, you’d use every channel your customers interact with. In the real world, however, very few companies can make that happen. Fortunately, there are some simple guidelines for maximizing […]

  • 3 Multichannel Marketing Stats to Inspire You

    Multichannel marketing campaigns are more effective than single-channel campaigns, but let’s face it, they are more work, too. Check out these multichannel marketing statistics, which can keep you motivated to “channel” your way to success.  1. Two-thirds of shoppers use more than one channel.  This data comes from the Wharton School of Business, which found […]

  • Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting

    You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted, well-concepted campaign, sometimes you don’t net the sale. Why?  Often, it’s because many conversations need to be kept going before they bear fruit. This is where retargeting comes in. Once a prospect visits your website, you target them again (retarget them) […]

  • Why Does Channel Selection Matter?

    When it comes to choosing marketing channels, marketers can make many assumptions. Millennials always want digital, the Silent Generation wants print, but the reality is often far different. As marketers, if we don’t pay attention to how consumers want to engage with us, we can turn them off or leave them out in the cold. […]

  • Omni? Multi? Cross? Integrated? What’s the Difference?

    When it comes to using multiple channels to communicate with your customers, there are many terms thrown around. Is there a meaningful difference between them? If so, what is it? Let’s take a look. Multichannel: Multichannel marketing is just as it sounds: using more than one channel to talk to your customers, whether the channels […]