• Want More B2B Accounts? Try This!

    Succeeding in Business-to-Business (B2B) sales requires a nuanced understanding of the complex decision-making processes within organizations. Unlike B2C transactions, B2B sales often involve multiple decision-makers with unique needs and priorities. Navigating this landscape requires persistence, insight, and data-driven communications.  Let’s look at three “musts” for approaching B2B buyers. 1. Identify Decision-Makers and Influencers B2B transactions […]

  • Keep Them Thinking About You

    In marketing, there is one thing worth more than gold. It is top of mind. Being top of mind means that when someone thinks about your product category, they think of you. Delivery services? Most people think of FedEx and UPS. Soft drinks? They think Coke and Pepsi. Laundry detergent? Tide. Are you top of […]

  • Be Authentic and Connect with Customers

    Increasingly, marketers understand the power of emotions. Product features and benefits are essential, but someone’s need, fear, or desire often motivates the actual purchase. Just look at some of the most iconic brands on the market. Johnson & Johnson doesn’t sell Band-Aids based on their adhesive properties. It shows a crying child being soothed by […]

  • Is Brand Awareness Worth the Investment

    We all want to sell more products and services, and for decades, brand awareness has been the subject of research and study. Is this a good investment of your marketing dollars? To what extent does brand awareness truly influence the final purchase decision? As it turns out, quite a lot. Here are the results from […]

  • 5 Tips for Maximizing Trade Show Marketing

    Did you know that 76% of B2B marketers consider event marketing to be their most successful top-of-funnel marketing tactic? If you are one of them, this number doesn’t surprise you because you know how effective trade shows can be. But not every company that does trade show marketing is getting the most out of it.  […]

  • Don’t Miss Your Chance: Maximizing Your Trade Show Success

    When you are displaying at a trade show, you’ve got one shot to breakthrough. The show may last a weekend, and sometimes only a day, so don’t miss a single opportunity to engage with potential customers. Eye-catching displays, such as booth banners, backlit displays, and floor graphics, are a great start. Here are five other […]

  • Want to Sell More? Keep It Dripping!

    If you keep hearing the term “drip marketing,” there’s a reason. It’s a powerful lead nurturing tool that works.  The marketer sends (drips) regular marketing communications, often through multiple channels, with strategic precision designed to move a prospect through the sales funnel over time. It uses a combination of direct mail, email, mobile marketing, newsletters, […]

  • 5 Keys to Customer Acquisition

    Without direct mail, customer acquisition falls flat. Sound like a bold claim? It is, but there’s a reason—it’s true. Many direct marketers can attest that, without direct mail, their customer acquisition efforts would be less successful. What makes direct mail so powerful? 1. It is the only channel that can reach your entire target audience. […]

  • Leads Need Nurturing, Too!

    It would be great if everyone who responds to a print or email contact would make a purchase right away, but they often don’t. Even when people don’t convert right away, don’t assume that’s a dead lead. It just might need nurturing. According to Brian Carroll, author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, up […]