• Five Steps to Crafting Effective Marketing Copy

    Marketing copy is the heart and soul of your advertising efforts. It connects your product or service with your audience, compelling them to take action. Let’s break down five essential steps to writing effective marketing copy. 1. Be Imaginative: The Power of Creativity Imagination is your secret weapon in the world of marketing. When crafting […]

  • Making Content Marketing Work for You

    One of the fastest-growing types of marketing is content marketing. Why? Because it works. Content marketing positions you as a thought leader, establishes credibility, and is often the gateway to your customers discovering your business. One study found, for example, that year-over-year growth in unique website traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders than […]

  • Four Data “Buckets” and How They Can Benefit Your Messaging

    Shoppers today expect their marketing messages to be highly targeted to their wants and needs. The good news is there is a ton of data for use in targeting, whether you gather it yourself or purchase it from a reputable list company. But what are the best ways to use that data? There are many […]

  • Lessons Learned from Real-Life Split Testing

    If you want to know what’s working, test it. Is this recipe better than that one? Is this pair of shoes more comfortable than those? Marketing is no different. By taking a portion of your list and testing one element at a time, you can find out what works best. Even if you’ve done testing […]

  • How to Stay in Touch Without Being Annoying

    What makes for great direct mail? It’s content, but it’s also timing and frequency. The ideal number of mailings is often said to be eight to ten per year. However, while repetition is essential, you don’t want to annoy people either. To be effective, you need to strike a balance. One of the ways you […]

  • Language Your Audience “Gets”

    Whether you are writing copy for a postcard or an email, the language you use matters.  Just like products and images, the wording you use should be matched to the different demographics of your target audience(s). Let’s look at three examples: #1: Millennials Millennials have great influence and spending power, and despite conventional wisdom, they […]