• For True Personalization, Look Beyond Demographics

    As marketers, we have more data at our fingertips than ever. Data is all around us, from in-house customer information to third-party demographic and behavioral data. However, having more data doesn’t, by itself, generate success. You can personalize your direct mail and email with people’s names, tailored offers, and even customized images and text but […]

  • Bridging the Digital Divide: The Vital Role of Print in Reaching Everyone

    In today’s digitally driven world, it’s easy to assume that everyone is connected, but the reality is quite different. Millions of Americans still lack access to high-speed Internet—42 million Americans, to be exact. (The FCC defines “high-speed” as download speeds of at least 25 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 3 Mbps.) This underscores […]

  • Making Sense of Omni, Multi, Cross, and Integrated Channel Marketing

    As you seek to break through the marketing clutter, the more channels, the better. Pairings such as print with email, email with social media, and social media with print will result in higher response rates than any single channel alone. As you plan your efforts, you may wonder about the terms “omnichannel marketing,” “multichannel marketing,” […]

  • Relevance: The Key to Success in Personalized Printing Campaigns

    The ability to tailor documents with precision, incorporating variables like gender, income, and geographic location, holds immense potential in print and email marketing. But savvy marketers know that data points, by themselves, don’t make communication effective. So what does? Relevance. Relevance is the secret ingredient that transforms a personalized document from simply compiling variables in […]

  • 4 Things Direct Mail Does That Email Can’t

    As a marketer, you know the value of email. You may also see the value of print marketing. But do you know the areas where one is better than another? Let’s look at four places where direct mail beats out email and does things email cannot do. 1. Bypassing opt-ins: Unlike email, direct mail doesn’t […]

  • Making Content Marketing Work for You

    One of the fastest-growing types of marketing is content marketing. Why? Because it works. Content marketing positions you as a thought leader, establishes credibility, and is often the gateway to your customers discovering your business. One study found, for example, that year-over-year growth in unique website traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders than […]

  • Want More Donations? Choose Print!

    For nonprofits, every dollar they spend on overhead, administration, and marketing is a dollar not spent on their mission. Not surprisingly, there is an intense focus on which marketing channels are most effective. So which channel works best for nonprofits? A study by YouGov provides the answer: direct mail. In a survey of more than […]

  • QR Codes Are Everywhere — For Good Reason!

    The global pandemic has had a profound impact on the world of consumer marketing, and one of these impacts has been to bring QR codes more into the mainstream. With consumers increasingly comfortable using QR codes, businesses can confidently leverage this marketing tool, making it more straightforward for customers to gain information, access coupons, and […]

  • 5 Benefits of Having an Up-to-Date Mailing List

    Keeping your mailing list up to date is essential for making the most of your marketing dollars. It ensures that your messages arrive in a timely fashion and provides other benefits such as cost savings and better targeting. Let’s look at five benefits of an up-to-date mailing list to motivate you to make this one […]

  • Creating Customer Loyalty

    What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of loyalty that makes customers stick with you, even when their favorite sales representative, hair stylist or financial advisor moves on? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Know your customer base. Customer bases are not homogenous. They are made up of different demographics, […]