Be a ‘Used To Be’

This hotel used to be a bank. That conference organizer used to be a travel agent. This company used to make playing cards. Perhaps you used to be hooked on keeping score, or used to be totally focused on avoiding the feeling of risk, or used to be the kind of person who needed to […] →Read more

Dimensional Weight Guide

In October we mentioned on the blog that in 2015 shipping prices will shift as both Fed Ex and UPS are switching to dimensional pricing models. While this change could have no affect on your current shipping it would be good to take a look at this handy guide provided by If you find the […] →Read more

Marketing Tips for the New Year

As the year draws to a close American’s typically come up with a list of resolutions for the new year. Some follow through, some don’t. Below are some tips you could add to your marketing resolutions in the next year. It’s always good to sit down and take a look at what you’re doing rather […] →Read more

Designing for Nonprofits

Designing for a nonprofit can be especially hard work. Not only is a designer trying to create a website or a physical piece that must also be ascetically pleasing there must be a balance so that the cause at hand is taken seriously. If the design isn’t eye-grabbing the nonprofit could suffer. Below are some […] →Read more

3 Direct Mail Ideas

Nothing is original. All the styles today are just rehashes of styles from days gone by. All movies are remakes or reboots of stories we already know. Here’s the thing about the folks coming up with the ‘new’ style or the ‘new movies…they’re selling. Just because your idea isn’t the most original doesn’t mean it’s […] →Read more


The thing about a clean sheet of paper…is that it still has edges. It’s tempting to believe that creativity comes from starting fresh. But even when we start fresh, we approach projects and problems with self-created boundaries. You can’t do real work without edges, without something to leverage, but those edges don’t have to be […] →Read more

USPS Augmented Reality App

The first USPS Augmented Reality application for mobile devices launched last week. The first version of the app only appears to be for end users to buy stamps and order boxes. If the app turns out to be everything that the USPS promised last year then there should be opportunities for direct marketers to leverage […] →Read more

Systems Evolution

If business were perfect and sales were stable, it is reasonable to suspect that a company’s budget would mirror the company’s direction. That means that IT would be given a budget that would allow them to maintain their system infrastructure and platform. This system would then perfectly serve the business as it achieved its goals. […] →Read more

Treat Holiday Shoppers Special

If you’ve ventured out to shop lately or if you’ve spent any time on the internet you are well aware that we are in the midst of holiday shopping. In the middle of the mayhem are opportunities to engage customers and create new ties. Adding folks to an email list is simple enough but creating […] →Read more