Treat Holiday Shoppers Special

If you’ve ventured out to shop lately or if you’ve spent any time on the internet you are well aware that we are in the midst of holiday shopping. In the middle of the mayhem are opportunities to engage customers and create new ties. Adding folks to an email list is simple enough but creating a unique experience for a shopper might serve you better in the long run. Here’s more on the idea:

Many brands will leverage an email mini-series, specific to the holiday season, to capture the shopper’s attention. Consider elements like daily deals leading up to, and beyond the holiday, to get them on board. Other tactics like interstitial pages, in-app subscription options, or POS registration are additional ways to capitalize on the holiday season.

Once you have acquired these holiday shoppers, consider treating them differently from others acquired throughout the year. After all, it’s a special time of year. You are offering a different experience at every other customer touch point, so why should your welcome series be any different? You want this customer to stay engaged even after the holidays – there is no better time to start sharing your year round value proposition from the very beginning. Augmenting your welcome messaging during the holidays really demonstrates the commitment you are making to your subscribers, which makes for a stronger long-term relationship.

Consumers are emotionally charged during the holidays – often stressed, too – and if you can recognize and address the difference in mind set for a customer during a holiday subscription versus any other time of year, you can really land yourself a customer for life. As with any of your marketing efforts, relevance is the key to long-term successes – and recognizing holiday-brain is certainly an opportunity to be relevant at every touch.

(via Clickz)

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