• Great Quotes From Great Ad-Men

    Everyone is inspired by a great quotes. Here are some that deserve to be read and thought over. Hopefully they get the creative juices stirred up for you! If you want to get a little history lesson from these marketers and their expertise visit Copyblogger. 1. Decide the effect you want to produce in your […]

  • Big Data Isn't Scary Data

    I think lots of folks get scared of Big Data as soon as they hear the word Big. Big Data shouldn’t be thought of as something only big companies do or something that marketing firms own. Big Data is available to you. In fact it already exists if you keep any sort of records about […]

  • SOC Type 2 Assurance

    We’re very excited and pleased to be able to announce that we have Successfully Completes SOC Type 2 Assurance.  This accomplishment demonstrates our commitment to operational excellence and to constant and never-ending progress.  We will continue making such investments as a part of our commitment to safeguarding our clients’ data, and incorporating best practices into […]

  • Take Time to Understand

    Sometimes, we’re so eager to have an opinion that we skip the step of working to understand. Why is it the way it is? Why do they believe what they believe? We skip reading the whole thing, because it’s easier to jump to what we assume the writer meant. We skip engaging with customers and […]

  • 2014 USPS Postal Facts

    Every year the post office puts together a bunch of facts that helps you realize how big, interesting and human the post office is. This isn’t just a list of how many letters they deliver per year or boring statistics. 2014 USPS Postal Facts (via USPS)

  • Write Better Headlines

    I won a headline writing contest in 11th grade. Believe it or not I’m not an expert at it though. Here are a few good tips to think through when you are writing your next headline for a letter, article or email. Headlines, subheads and bullets should:     Be USEFUL to the reader,     Provide […]

  • Personalization Is So Personal

    I like baseball caps. The first time that I noticed that I sure saw a lot of web ads for baseball caps I realized I was being tracked…in a good way! More and more marketers are using your data FOR you bringing you things that you want to see. If you collect customer data start […]