Great Quotes From Great Ad-Men

Everyone is inspired by a great quotes. Here are some that deserve to be read and thought over. Hopefully they get the creative juices stirred up for you!
If you want to get a little history lesson from these marketers and their expertise visit Copyblogger.

1. Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader — Robert Collier
2. Show your product in use — Victor Schwab
3. Open like a Reader’s Digest article — John Caples
4. Tap into one overwhelming desire — Eugene Schwartz
5. Make the advertiser the character — Maxwell Sackheim
6. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition — Rosser Reeves
7. Find the inherent drama in your product — Leo Burnett
8. Write to one person, not a million — Fairfax M. Cone
9. “Reason why” copy — Albert Lasker
10. Go after points of maximum anxiety — Mel Martin
11. Transubstantiate your product into something else — Bill Jayme
12. Everybody in the world divides his mail into two piles — Gary Halbert
13. Do not worship at the altar of creativity — David Ogilvy

(via Copyblogger)

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