• Will Dimensional Pricing Affect You?

    The cause and effect principle has seemingly come in to play with regard to shipping costs. The cause is partly a result of the ever growing shift from shopping in-store to shopping online. With less room in shipping trucks due to bulkier items both FedEx and UPS are moving toward dimensional pricing models which will […]

  • Mail Your Groceries

    My mom was very excited the day I got my drivers license…no seriously. We lived in a small town and she was glad that I could now drive to the local grocery store and pick up things for her. The USPS is making getting groceries even easier than that. The USPS is looking to partner […]

  • Tips For Holiday Marketing

    October is here and the holidays are right around the corner. If you haven’t started your holiday marketing plan or if you’re in the middle of it here are some tips to help you reach your audience and keep them coming back: Holiday activity is starting earlier every year. Thanksgiving promotions including Black Friday and […]

  • Keeping Up Appearances

    Lazy coworkers are the worst. There are several forms of slacking but the form I’m seeing more frequently is “working hard to look busy”. This person would rather give the APPEARANCE of being busy than actually be productive (i.e. George Costanza). Now, we’ve all had slow days at work and not had enough to do. […]

  • What You MUST Say in an Apology

    Two elements of an apology Compassion and Contrition “We’re sorry that your flight was cancelled. This must have truly messed up your day, sir.” That’s a statement of compassion. “Cancelling a flight that a valued customer trusted us to fly is not the way we like to do business. We messed up, it was an […]

  • How To Tell A Story With Data

    Analytics are amazing but having an algorithm read aloud isn’t exciting. Numbers can highlight some awesome facts yet reading a list of statistics isn’t invigorating. Data has never been more relevant for direct marketers but how do you make the data come alive and work for you? Below are a couple of common sense tips […]

  • This Is ONLY A Test

    What gets your recepient to open a piece of direct mail? Well the answer is that’s a moving target. Design elements that used to work may not work anymore. It falls in the standard pattern of design, test, results, repeat. The part most people enjoy least is the testing but it may be the most […]

  • The Most Important Analytics Question

    With the ‘Big Data’ movement these days you can be assured that there’s plenty of data being collected. Having more data is good for marketers. On top of that there is plenty that you can do with your data to learn more things about your customers. The thing is though the goal isn’t to have […]