• How Delivery Affects Your Direct Mail

    Whether it’s standing up or sitting down, how my doctor delivers news matters. Whether it’s a text or a call, how my mom communicates with me gives me an idea of the weight of the matter. How your recipients choose to receive their direct mail tells you how likely it is that they’re engaged. A […]

  • Making Word of Mouth Pay Off

    Of course you will be eagerly and often referring your friends and neighbors to your dentist, insurance broker, lawn mowing guy and that book you just read. Actually, not so much. But I thought you liked it? Well, whether or not we liked it isn’t what motivates us to take the risky step of referring […]

  • The Pyramids Started With Just One Stone

    The most discouraging day of my work life began on the first day at my first post-college job. They told me it would take me at least a year before I would be useful to them. That was extremely discouraging because I just spent 4 years in college making myself useful. I imagine lots of […]

  • The Importance of Plastic Forks

    When walking back to my desk from the break room yesterday I realized that I was very thankful that work provides me with plastic cutlery. The last place I worked did not provide plastic cutlery of any kind. While that may not seem like a very big deal I do remember there being lots of […]

  • Reward Brand Loyalty

    I am loyal to brands that I like. I also like brands that reward me for being loyal. That is what you call a virtuous cycle. Below are some ideas for email marketing loyalty programs for your subscribers. Sweeten the Offer Even if you have a formal loyalty program, consider offering your most active subscribers […]

  • Editing Your Writing

    My favorite movie of all time, Star Wars, won an Oscar for ‘Film Editing’ back in the day. As a kid I thought that was the silliest award ever presented. It essentially felt like the Academy of Motion Pictures was saying ‘Good job. You did the best at cutting junk out of your movie’. My […]

  • Catalogs Make A Comeback

    Growing up I clearly remember spending hours looking at the Christmas catalog. Now I probably wasn’t the key demographic as I had exactly zero dollars to spend for most of my childhood but I was an influencer of decisions (to a degree). I know my kids today are the exact same as I was. What […]

  • Data Analytics: Step 1

    One of the things I remember from my Computer Programming 101 class in college is the acronym GIGO which stands for Garbage In Garbage Out. The idea is a program can only be as good as the data it uses or the code that it is utilizing. This principle is by no means outdated and […]

  • Ideas for Marketing Planning

    Many times when we come to a new project we bring old ideas. While bringing your proven skills to the table is good bring outdated methods back in to the mix isn’t the goal. Lots of times, whether we want to admit it or not, our old ideas may not be good ideas. So it’s […]