Does Your 'From' Line Matter

When I check my email the first two things that matter to me are 1) who is this email from 2) what is it about. We’ve had several posts about the need for good email subject lines but the other important piece is your ‘From’ line. If a person doesn’t recognize the name in the […] →Read more

USPS Postal Promotion

Starting May 1st and going through the end of June the USPS will give a postal discount for direct mailers who use what they’re calling ‘digital personalization’. The post office requires the sender’s piece to have a URL or barcode that directs the recipient to personalized online content. It’s a good example of what we’ve […] →Read more

Be More Productive

We all know how important it is to make the most use of the time we have. No one wants to spend more time at work than they have to but no ones work load is getting smaller. This is where the old adage ‘work smarter not harder’ comes in to play. (I always hate […] →Read more

Audience Segmentation

I could give a pretty extemporaneous speech on why Michael Jordan is the best basketball player ever and I think people would find it interesting…unless I was talking to a group of 6 year old girls. No matter how passionate you are on a subject audience matters. Below is an excerpt from an article about […] →Read more

Steal to Survive

Steal your business model. We don’t have a shortage of business models, it’s okay if you pick one that’s already working for someone else. Steal your web design. There will always be enough people brave enough to invent whole new ways of interacting online. But unless you’re an interaction designer or your business model depends […] →Read more

Listening Requires Thinking

Nobody listens. That’s one reason why people just respond “Fine” or “Good” when you ask them “How are you?”. We have so many rehearsed answers that we can conjure up in a split second and respond to another person before they’re even done talking. All you have to do is listen for the audible cues […] →Read more

People Prefer Paper Promotions

In a world that is more and more focused on you and your smart phone there are some things that just haven’t changed yet. An overwhelming majority of consumers still prefer to get coupons mailed to them rather than sent to their mobile device. The majority of consumers (75%) still prefer promotional content and coupons […] →Read more

Drive Email Marketing With Analytics

It takes a true visionary to be able to say what they want and not have to listen to their audience. A true visionary can create need within the audience through invention (i.e. Apple). The rest of us better start listening to our audience. If the first step is listening to your audience then, during […] →Read more