Postal Reform Update

Here’s a word from our CEO Tim Johnson on what our elected officials are up to with USPS reform: With regard to Postal Reform, it is difficult to find any good news but I would like to share a glimmer of encouragement.  The Senate leaders and key sponsors of reform legislation agree that a bill […] →Read more

Augmented Reality Begins Its Ascent

In the last few months there has seemingly been breakthrough after breakthrough of potential uses for Augmented Reality (AR). This clip shows the potential of incorporating 3D objects rather than only using flat objects. Bonus: Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. (via The Daily What) →Read more

3 Essentials When Asking for Donations

One of the most difficult things to do is to ask for someone’s money. When you believe in a cause it does make asking a bit easier but you still need a game plan. Here are a few tips that will give you a structure to work within next time you need a donation. 1. […] →Read more

6 Ways to Stay in Shape While You Work

I’ve often joked that the only way I will start exercising in is if we start a P.E. class at work. Since that’s probably not going to happen any time soon there are a few other simple things we can do. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Sit up straight. Having […] →Read more

3 Ideas to use Direct Mail and Email Together

There are dozens of ideas to help you make your marketing tools work together.  Unfortunately lots of them require more effort than time or budget may allow. Here are a few simple options that will help you add some punch to your next campaign. 1. Send a teaser email before a postal mailing: If you’re […] →Read more

Seth Godin's Search for a Timid Trapeze Artist

Good luck with that, there aren’t any. If you hesitate when leaping from rope to another, you’re not going to last very long. And this is at the heart of what makes innovation work in organizations, why industries die, and how painful it is to try to maintain the status quo while also participating in […] →Read more

USPS Needs Congress to Act Now

Press release from the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service: The U.S. mailing industry today expressed grave concern with the news that the U.S. Postal Service lost $3.3 billion in the 1st quarter of Fiscal Year 2012. The Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, a coalition of businesses and industries tied to the […] →Read more

2nd Ounce Free from USPS

Good news for direct mail marketers looking to add a little punch to their mailing. Whether you choose to add an insert or just use a heavier paper stock this can help do so at a reduced cost. Here are some details: Businesses now can mail First-Class Mail automation and presort letters weighing up to […] →Read more

3 Ways to Reduce Your Fundraising Costs

In a perfect world people would just show up with money whenever needed. Those involved in fundraising efforts know firsthand that asking is necessary. Here are a few tips that will help refine a few methods that are sure to generate a healthy ROI. 1. Focus on the Big Donors If you have a donor […] →Read more

The 2nd Most Important Element in Copywriting

This simple word of advice makes good copywriters legendary. With it, you’re going to increase sales. Without it, you’re finished. It’s deceptively plain, and easily ignored. We already know if nobody makes it past your headline, nobody reads your content or sales page. This makes the headline the most important element of your persuasive copy. […] →Read more