Getting the Big ‘Yes’

Marketing is an art. I’ve probably said that before. But if you happen to be the Jackson Pollock of marketing that may not be a good thing. What I mean is if your marketing seems scattered and disorganized by your audience it may be because…your marketing plan is scattered and disorganized. Beyond having a general […] →Read more

Planning postage budgets for the year

What’s going to happen with postage rates for the remainder of this year? The short answer is: No one knows. However, it appears almost certain that postage rates will increase on April 26th and the new rates will be very close to the those identified here. It seems almost certain because, with this filing, the […] →Read more

Starting Over

No one likes starting over. The thought of starting with a clean slate may sound appealing at first because in an ideal dream world everything will work out. But here in reality starting over may mean you have to discard all of the things you’ve built and worked for. Starting over may mean taking a […] →Read more

Write Better Emails

My wife and I are polar opposites when it comes to email. When I see my wife’s email inbox I have to look away. It looks like she may have not opened an email since she opened the account. My inbox on the other hand is never neglected and always organized. She’s still getting emails […] →Read more

Tips for Writing to People

I am a parent of three little girls. These girls are all very different but they all share one crucial trait that makes life…interesting. They can’t listen. I didn’t say they don’t listen, no, the evidence shows that it is seemingly lack the ability to listen. This can make telling them thing very tedious. Our […] →Read more

Know How Stupid You Are

“If you are very, very stupid how can you possibly realize that you are very, very stupid. You’d have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are.” – John Cleese Often times in the work place folks get promotions or even hired in to positions that make everyone else in the company scratch […] →Read more

Write Better Marketing Emails

If you do any type of writing on a regular basis, from writing internal work emails to writing copy for a newspaper article, you know that sometimes it’s good to revisit HOW you’re writing. Sometimes the way we write things becomes stale or less effective. Sometimes we fall in to bad writing habits and sometimes […] →Read more