Growing up in the 80’s, I can remember bouncing in and out of the house between commands of “go play outside” and trying to master the ever developing industry of home based consumer video games. All the while, I was continually losing track of the small bits of change that my pockets were paying to […] →Read more
Today is Bastille Day. I had planned to write about the French Revolution but then I received an email last Friday that propelled me to a write about another revolution: The Geek Revolution. In case the more sophisticated intellects, couture divas and self-absorbed millennials have not noticed yet, self-proclaimed Geeks are the new Black. WhereoWare […] →Read more
Raising my children has been one of the greatest joys in my life. Having three adult children out of the nest you begin to wonder, did I raise them right? Did I prepare them for what they might find in the world? Did I do all I could do? What else could I have tried? […] →Read more
July 5th, the start of Shark Week 2015, came in with a Shark Week countdown website, a promotional video featuring rock legend Billy Idol’s voice exclaiming “It’s Jawsome” and more Shark apps such as Shark Finder and Sharks ReScored, as well as the potential of advertising revenue that is described as Discovery Channel’s Super Bowl. What can marketers […] →Read more
At the 2015 National Postal Forum, the Postmaster General’s Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) was awarded the most prestigious USPS Partnership for Growth Award. I have the privilege of serving on MTAC and am humbled by its legacy, its accomplishments, and its potential for betterment of the postal supply chain. The concept of MTAC and […] →Read more
Marketing is getting more and more focused on personal interactions with the consumer. This starts with personalized data. The next wave of marketing focus will be to build on that personal interaction with contextual marketing. The more data that is gathered will give the analytics team more insight in to the consumer. That data can […] →Read more
Personalizing your direct marketing for your customer is effective. Whether you are currently engaged in minimal personalization efforts (i.e. “Dear <first name>”) or if you’re a personalization pro (i.e. targeted content personalizing name, images and message) you are moving in the right direction. Below are some statistics showing how other marketers are approaching personalization: 91% […] →Read more
Obviously there are differences between how customers respond to digital marketing compared to physical marketing pieces. Some of it depends on the demographics of the audience but some of it is inherit to how people react to each medium. The USPS study look in details such as these below: How participants processed digital ad content […] →Read more
I’ve read several marketing articles lately complaining that analytics are too complex. Essentially these writers want to simplify everything down to one metric so marketing professionals can just look at the one metric, as one might look at a traffic signal, and wait for the light to turn green to proceed with their marketing efforts. […] →Read more