Be Thoughtful With Your Direct Mail

In an age where customers are used to having things their way right away one place commonly overlooked is Direct Mail. There’s usually not a lot of time to show a customer that you’re a real person who cares. Here are a few ideas to copy or to get the wheels moving for your next […] →Read more

New Postage Rates Now in Effect

The new January 22, 2012 postage rates are now in effect. The new USPS Price List (Notice 123) provides all domestic and international rates, business mailing fees, and pricing for other USPS services. The rate changes were based on the Consumer Price Index which was established at 2.133%. First Class rates increased by 2.1% overall […] →Read more

Improve Your Email Marketing

1. Improve list quality When it comes to your subscriber list, longer isn’t always better. Focusing on those prospects who are most interested in what you have to offer can get you the best results, whether through gaining more sales or receiving helpful feedback on your products or services. Build your targeted prospect list by […] →Read more

QR Codes Are Good…But Not Magical

These first points are very encouraging for companies using QR codes: While only 21% know QR codes by name, 81% of respondents reported having seen the ubiquitous black and white squares. For smartphone owners, whose devices are capable of scanning the code, QR codes are becoming a part of the purchase process. Half of smartphone […] →Read more

Marketing to Millenials

Here are excerpts from an article at Deliver Magazine: You might think of them as the tech generation. They’re the folks who said in a survey they’d give up their sense of smell before saying goodbye to their smartphone. They are “The Millennials,” otherwise known as Gen Y, the Echo Boomers and the Net Generation, […] →Read more

Time Is Just a Myth

Until the transcontinental railroad, there were no time zones. Each village kept its own time, based on its own steeple and its own high noon. And why not? There was no good reason to go through the pain of coordinating the clocks. Factory work forced us all to know exactly what time it was. The […] →Read more

The Very First iPhone

Often times the initial concept of an idea is much different than the final product. That is definitely the case here. I’m glad they kept working on the idea and didn’t stop with this. The first iPhone was actually dreamed up in 1983. Forget that silly old touchscreen, this iPhone was a landline with full, […] →Read more