Data Analytics: RFM Analysis

Our fourth post in this series on Impact’s Data Analytics is about RFM Analysis What is an RFM analysis? A Recency, Frequency, and Monetary analysis scores customers, providing a clear method for ranking customers in terms of their past behavior. RFM analysis provides a basis for allocating marketing budgets to customer groups in proportion to […] →Read more

Data Analytics: Response Analysis

We continue our series on Data Analytics with a more in depth look at Response Analysis: What is a response analysis? Response analysis creates a line of sight into the overall performance of marketing initiatives, and allows you to compare different campaigns using standard metrics. Response analysis tells you how different market segments respond to […] →Read more

Data Analytics: Customer Profile

In our last post we gave an overview of what Impact’s Data Analytics do for you. We’ll continue this series and look at Response Analysis, Sales Analysis and RFM Analysis but this time we’ll look a little bit deeper at a Customer Profile. What is a customer profile? A profile answers the basic marketing questions: […] →Read more

Data Analytics Overview

Impact has specialized in getting postage discounts for its customers since we began. But as the industry has changed so have our capabilities. One of the pieces of our business that continues to grow is Data Analytics. There are four main pieces; Customer Profile, Response Analysis, RFM Analysis and Sales Analysis. Below we give an […] →Read more

Email Marketing Don'ts

Email marketing is always changing. In the same way that language evolves over time so is the expectation of what should be in an email. Part of this change is driven by the device being used to view the message while other changes happen as email content continues to evolve. Regardless of what is driving […] →Read more

Fun in the Sun

While we do like to work hard at Impact, we do let our hair down from time to time. Last week we were able to get away from the office for some fun with our friends at Bluestem (who happen to be one of our clients as well). It was a perfect evening out on […] →Read more

Replace Your Stamp With Your Logo

Every designer wants to control every element of their piece. If you’re designing a mail piece you’re now one step closer. The USPS is offering Picture Perfect Imprint Indicia which allows a mailer to incorporate their own color logo or image in to the indicia information. By allowing a marketer to put their branding in […] →Read more

How to Get More From People

The boss, conference organizer, co-worker, interviewer, parent or client who wants your best work, your art and your genuine enthusiasm: …can demand that you bring your best possible work the first time, can point out that they are paying you well, that they’re busy, that they’re powerful, and that they accept nothing short of high […] →Read more