Storytelling With Data

No one has ever said “I feel like there’s nothing more heartwarming that looking at numbers and data.” Another sentence that has never been uttered, “Pictures of children playing on a playground yield no emotions from me.” Data has a place in marketing. Strong emotional images and messages have a place in marketing. In today’s […] →Read more

One-Two Punch: Direct Mail & Email

Often we think of marketing channels in silos. While each marketing channel does offer it’s own unique benefits those benefits can be enhanced when combined with other marketing channels. Combining Direct Mail and Email Marketing can improve your impact in both channels. Here’s more on the idea: Many of the foundational tenants of email marketing […] →Read more

Johnny Come Lately

Beware the zeitgeister He only cares about what’s trending now. The only worthy examples are this week’s examples, or even better, tomorrow’s examples. The zeitgeister will interrupt a long-term strategy discussion to talk urgently about today’s micro-trend instead. The zeitgeister has little or no knowledge of the foundations of his industry, merely an out-of-context understanding […] →Read more

What People Want From Loyalty Programs

Since we all know nothing is free in life the next best thing is discounts. These days more and more folks are  signing up for loyalty based programs because more loyalty programs are available (scientific, I know). So how can you get a potential customer to be a loyal customer? Here are some statistics about […] →Read more

Classic/Modern Marketing

Can a band decide to be a Classic Rock band? Don’t you just have to be a rock band who’ve been around for a while so the radio stations call you a Classic Rock band? If you record an album this year is it a Classic Rock album? If someone is attempting to be modern […] →Read more

Email Marketing Survey Results

“Getting it right” isn’t always the easiest thing to do. The survey results below may help you with your next email marketing campaign. The few points noted below show how your email marketing success may depend on your brand or your advanced analytics. So on to the data. Silverpop recently conducted an email marketing survey […] →Read more

The Moneyball Principle

The “Moneyball” phenomenon, building a baseball team based on advanced sabermetrics rather than traditional data, has gone beyond baseball and is now invading other sports, including soccer. Liverpool FC, an English soccer team, is inventing its own version of Moneyball sabermetric principles and is building other rules in such as ‘we will buy no player […] →Read more

Use Interruptive Marketing to Boost Inbound Marketing Performance

An article from our Senior Database Marketing Analyst, Clinton Kennedy: If you search for direct marketing and inbound marketing, pretty much all that comes back are articles listing the benefits of one versus the other. Authors generally favor the ‘new’ trend:  Inbound Marketing. The capability of direct marketing to interrupt people’s train of thought and […] →Read more