4 Ways to Spruce Up Your Mailings

Are regular white envelopes containing a letter with black and white print still effective? Yep, but so are a few other ideas. If you’re looking to try some new things with your next direct marketing campaign here are a few ideas to help get you started.

Digi-mail: Texting and QR codes have made direct mail a physical adjunct to digital, allowing consumers to instantly access offers via their smartphones. “There was one online banking campaign where recipients were able to either scan the QR code or text a word to a number for an offer,” says Mintel Comperemedia senior vice president Andrew Davidson. “That’s a good example of integrating channels.”
Odd-sized mailings: From dimensional and die-cut shaped mail to gleaming laminated coupon cards and DiscMail DVD packages, mail today offers a variety of impactful consumer experiences.
Cross purposing: Using transpromotional marketing techniques, businesses and utilities can transform must-read statements like bills, invoices and publications into promotional tools for other products and services. Or, you can even sell that ad space to third-party businesses. According to a FiServ report, a simple 5% increase in current member business can possibly equate to a 50% increase in profits when utilizing “transpromo” techniques.
Analytic converters: Today’s direct mailers can feature encoded analytic technology. When the recipient redeems the offer, businesses get an invaluable demographic breakdown of consumer behaviors.

(via Deliver Magazine)

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