• Lessons Learned from Real-Life Split Testing

    If you want to know what’s working, test it. Is this recipe better than that one? Is this pair of shoes more comfortable than those? Marketing is no different. By taking a portion of your list and testing one element at a time, you can find out what works best. Even if you’ve done testing […]

  • Do Self-Mailers Have Benefits Over Direct Mail Envelopes? You Bet!

    For many businesses, direct mail letters are their “go-to.” They are inexpensive to produce, can include BREs and other inserts, and depending on the design, can seem more personal than self-mailers. Still, the popularity of self-mailers is growing. They, too, are inexpensive and have many benefits. Self-mailers are created when a single piece of paper […]

  • Want Better Direct Mail Copy? Tighten It Up!

    What’s one of the keys to creating great direct mail copy? Keeping it tight! Over the years, the amount of copy used in direct mail campaigns has dropped. In fact, according to Who’s Mailing What! (WMW!), a national database of direct mail, the amount of copy used in direct mail pieces has dropped by a […]

  • Personalization: It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

    When it comes to personalization in marketing, both digital and print, are you still on the sidelines? Do you want to give personalization a try, but think it’s too complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways to think about personalized marketing to kick-start your efforts. 1. Relevance doesn’t require tons of data. […]

  • Make It Personal: It’s Not Optional Anymore

    It used to be that personalizing your marketing, whether digitally or in print, was something that made you stand out. It was something your competitors weren’t doing, so your customers and prospects took notice. Today, personalization has become expected so that people notice if you are not personalizing. Instead of being a positive differentiator, it has become […]

  • Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting

    You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted, well-concepted campaign, sometimes you don’t net the sale. Why?  Often, it’s because many conversations need to be kept going before they bear fruit. This is where retargeting comes in. Once a prospect visits your website, you target them again (retarget them) […]

  • 3 Ways to Sell More to Existing Customers

    Think you have to go out and drum up new customers in order to increase your sales?  Prospecting is an important tool for revenue generation, but there are ways to increase your sales from existing customers, too. Here are three simple, but highly effective ways to increase revenues from the customers you already have. 1. […]

  • Keep the Conversation Going!

    When do you engage with your customers? Is it only when you want to sell them something? If so, consider extending the conversation. Customers are more loyal when they feel that you care about them personally, not just the bottom line, so here are three ways to keep the conversation rolling. 1. Touch base . […]

  • 9 Components Every Marketing Campaign Must Have

    Want to make your marketing campaigns the most effective they can be? Be sure to hit all of the key marketing components. Most marketers know the importance of the list, the message, and the offer, but there are other components, too. Here are nine “must haves” for any marketing campaign. How many do your campaigns […]

  • Leads Need Nurturing, Too!

    It would be great if everyone who responds to a print or email contact would make a purchase right away, but they often don’t. Even when people don’t convert right away, don’t assume that’s a dead lead. It just might need nurturing. According to Brian Carroll, author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, up […]