• Turning a Bank from “Stodgy” to “Personal”

    Do you always need lots of data to make your mailings seem personal? No. Take the example of MB Financial, a Chicago-based financial institution that used segmentation to achieve great results. It’s a formula that any company can follow to make its mailings feel more personal and increase conversions without personalizing them down to the […]

  • Designing an Effective Postcard

    One of the best ways to use direct mail is to use postcards. Postcards are an inexpensive way to get your message in front of potential customers, and when done well, they can produce great results. How do you design a direct mail postcard that moves people to action? Read on to find out. 1. […]

  • Four Data “Buckets” and How They Can Benefit Your Messaging

    Shoppers today expect their marketing messages to be highly targeted to their wants and needs. The good news is there is a ton of data for use in targeting, whether you gather it yourself or purchase it from a reputable list company. But what are the best ways to use that data? There are many […]

  • Want It to Be Personal? 10 Questions to Ask

    According to the research firm McKinsey, 76% of consumers say that receiving personalized communications is a key factor in prompting their consideration of a brand, and 78% say that personalized content makes them more likely to purchase from the brand again. That’s a powerful incentive to put time and effort into getting personalization right. “Personalization” […]

  • Using Packaging as a Marketing Tool

    When a shopper walks into the store, even if they aren’t looking for something in your product category, the proper packaging can entice them to make a purchase they hadn’t planned. That’s why packaging should be considered part of your marketing toolbox. Here are five ways to use product packaging to stand out and create […]

  • Explore New Technologies and Save on Postage

    The United States’ 2022 Emerging and Advanced Technology Program is here. The USPS always offers postal discounts to encourage mailers to add interactive technologies that give print even more life and excitement. By incorporating these technologies, not only do businesses get better results, but they save 2% – 3% on postage. If you are already […]

  • Lessons Learned from Real-Life Split Testing

    If you want to know what’s working, test it. Is this recipe better than that one? Is this pair of shoes more comfortable than those? Marketing is no different. By taking a portion of your list and testing one element at a time, you can find out what works best. Even if you’ve done testing […]

  • Do Self-Mailers Have Benefits Over Direct Mail Envelopes? You Bet!

    For many businesses, direct mail letters are their “go-to.” They are inexpensive to produce, can include BREs and other inserts, and depending on the design, can seem more personal than self-mailers. Still, the popularity of self-mailers is growing. They, too, are inexpensive and have many benefits. Self-mailers are created when a single piece of paper […]

  • Want Better Direct Mail Copy? Tighten It Up!

    What’s one of the keys to creating great direct mail copy? Keeping it tight! Over the years, the amount of copy used in direct mail campaigns has dropped. In fact, according to Who’s Mailing What! (WMW!), a national database of direct mail, the amount of copy used in direct mail pieces has dropped by a […]

  • Personalization: It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

    When it comes to personalization in marketing, both digital and print, are you still on the sidelines? Do you want to give personalization a try, but think it’s too complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways to think about personalized marketing to kick-start your efforts. 1. Relevance doesn’t require tons of data. […]