• Creating a Sustainable Package

    Consumers are increasingly showing a preference for products that communicate a sustainable message. Two-thirds of consumers say they will pay more for them.[1] Let’s look at some of the top ways you can be sustainable and communicate that message effectively on your packaging. 1. Support recyclability. There are multiple elements even to a “simple” paperboard […]

  • Get the Most Out of Personalized Print

    You increase your response and conversion rates by personalizing your message, whether in print or email. But “personalizing” doesn’t just mean using data to swap out images and text based on information you have in a database. Personalized printing has to feel personal. Let’s look at four best practices that must be the foundation of […]

  • Explore New Technologies and Save on Postage

    The United States’ 2022 Emerging and Advanced Technology Program is here. The USPS always offers postal discounts to encourage mailers to add interactive technologies that give print even more life and excitement. By incorporating these technologies, not only do businesses get better results, but they save 2% – 3% on postage. If you are already […]

  • 5 Ways to Maximize Your Print Investment

    Have a limited print budget and want to make the most of it? Even if your dollars are limited, your impact can be significant. Start with focusing your efforts on the customers most likely to give you the best return. Let’s look at four strategies to help you make the most of your investment. 1. […]

  • Effective Communication Breeds Customer Loyalty

    Are you up for a surprise? In a customer satisfaction study of 10 major industries, nearly three-quarters (72%) of respondents indicated that they were delighted with the products or services they purchased, yet 88% said that they were willing to switch providers for any reason! How can this be? If customers are happy with the […]

  • Survey: Print Is Safe, Secure, Trustworthy, and Eco-Friendly

    If something is proven safe, secure, and trustworthy, you’d embrace it, right? Now add in that it is also eco-friendly, and you have a product anyone would love. There is such a product, and it’s print. After years of research on consumer attitudes and preferences, print remains consumers’ preferred channel for safety, security, trustworthiness, and […]

  • Do Self-Mailers Have Benefits Over Direct Mail Envelopes? You Bet!

    For many businesses, direct mail letters are their “go-to.” They are inexpensive to produce, can include BREs and other inserts, and depending on the design, can seem more personal than self-mailers. Still, the popularity of self-mailers is growing. They, too, are inexpensive and have many benefits. Self-mailers are created when a single piece of paper […]

  • Want Better Direct Mail Copy? Tighten It Up!

    What’s one of the keys to creating great direct mail copy? Keeping it tight! Over the years, the amount of copy used in direct mail campaigns has dropped. In fact, according to Who’s Mailing What! (WMW!), a national database of direct mail, the amount of copy used in direct mail pieces has dropped by a […]

  • Saving Money on Print by Using Digital Storefronts

    When it comes to ordering print, did you know that you can save money by changing from traditional ordering methods, such as sending email requests or placing orders over the phone, to a streamlined automated storefront? Here are five ways this simple change can boost your bottom line: 1. Faster, easier ordering. Every time one […]

  • Consumers Continue Their Love Affair with Print

    Despite the meteoric rise of digital marketing, consumers still have a love affair with print. From direct mail to packaging to signage and in-store displays, print continues to be critical to marketers’ success. It’s not that marketers need to focus on print to the exclusion of digital media, but for best results, it  needs to […]