• “Call me, maybe…” – Every Advertiser’s Ill-defined Plea?

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″] The plaintive 2012 hit by Carly Rae Jepsen is the one-sided story of a personal marketing campaign, the results of which are entirely in doubt at the end of the song.  It seems the character, despite being pursued by many other boys, has no idea whether the object of her […]

  • The Next Generation . . . Has Arrived

    [vc_row fullwidth=”false” attached=”false” padding=”0″][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″] My my my  Generation X-ers are the middle children lodged between the Boomers and the Millennials and out populated by both. What does this mean?  In the words of that little blond girl in front of the Television from Poltergeist: “They’re Here . . . . . […]

  • Smart Marketers Are Asking – Who’s Got My Data?

    With drones buzzing around in more and more places, the NSA recording every communication they can find, and massive data breeches in the news seemingly every week, we all can run the risk of becoming desensitized to the topics of privacy and security, or resigned to the inevitability of the end of privacy as we […]

  • Secure destruction? — Yes Please!

    To those of you who have ever managed a return mail operation at your company, you understand the monumental time squandered and costs incurred.  The mail is sorted by type, distributed to a few different departments, opened, keyed in, and then disposed of with your recycling or shredding service.  Besides time and costs, the other […]

  • 5 Psychological needs that influence behavior

    The dangers of advertising that does not engage the target audience are immediate low response and long-term disinterest in future brand communications. Psychological research increasingly endorses the presumption that emotions inform logic, rather than the other way around. Even without the research, many advertising professional’s emphasized creative and message components pointing at emotions. The research […]

  • So, Probably, Maybe

    In late 2011 and into 2012, a wave started in Canada, worked its way south to the States and then throughout the world. The wave was Carly Rae Jepsen’s hit “Call Me Maybe”. In the hit, Carly sings for her crush to call her, maybe. Carly Rae Jepsen played at the revamped Mall of America […]

  • What Does Marketing Automation Have To Do With Paper?

    Liv-ing in a material world.  Liv-ing in a material world…all of this buzz about Straight Outta Compton has me stuck in an 80s frame of mind.  Marketing Automation (MA) is often perceived as a magic bullet solution to marketing problems.  Marketers now almost universally associate MA with the software platforms used to trigger email or […]

  • Where are the Neanderthals?

    Please note that this article was written 7/27/2015 and like many things, it is a snapshot of the prevalent theories at the time. It is believed that homo neanderthalensis moved into Europe about 200,000 years ago, where they adapted by growing shorter and stockier, which is more efficient to hold body heat in the cold […]

  • The Pirates are Coming

    It is believed that there has been some level of piracy since at least the 13th Century BC. Ever since the “Sea Peoples” we have been working to try to stay one step ahead of those determined to take that which doesn’t belong to them. The modern front has generally moved from the protection of […]