When It Comes to Typography, Look Like a Pro

What distinguishes professional communications from amateur ones? Details! Companies putting out professional direct mail, email, and mobile communications take the time to get it right. Here are five very common typography conventions that many companies get wrong, but that can set you apart by doing them correctly. 1. Using smart quotes. Whether you are reproducing […] →Read more

How to Stay in Touch Without Being Annoying

What makes for great direct mail? It’s content, but it’s also timing and frequency. The ideal number of mailings is often said to be eight to ten per year. However, while repetition is essential, you don’t want to annoy people either. To be effective, you need to strike a balance. One of the ways you […] →Read more

Saving Money on Print by Using Digital Storefronts

When it comes to ordering print, did you know that you can save money by changing from traditional ordering methods, such as sending email requests or placing orders over the phone, to a streamlined automated storefront? Here are five ways this simple change can boost your bottom line: 1. Faster, easier ordering. Every time one […] →Read more

Personalization: It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

When it comes to personalization in marketing, both digital and print, are you still on the sidelines? Do you want to give personalization a try, but think it’s too complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways to think about personalized marketing to kick-start your efforts. 1. Relevance doesn’t require tons of data. […] →Read more

Consumers Continue Their Love Affair with Print

Despite the meteoric rise of digital marketing, consumers still have a love affair with print. From direct mail to packaging to signage and in-store displays, print continues to be critical to marketers’ success. It’s not that marketers need to focus on print to the exclusion of digital media, but for best results, it  needs to […] →Read more

5 Tips for Maximizing Trade Show Marketing

Did you know that 76% of B2B marketers consider event marketing to be their most successful top-of-funnel marketing tactic? If you are one of them, this number doesn’t surprise you because you know how effective trade shows can be. But not every company that does trade show marketing is getting the most out of it.  […] →Read more

Make It Personal: It’s Not Optional Anymore

It used to be that personalizing your marketing, whether digitally or in print, was something that made you stand out. It was something your competitors weren’t doing, so your customers and prospects took notice. Today, personalization has become expected so that people notice if you are not personalizing. Instead of being a positive differentiator, it has become […] →Read more

Cover Your Bases: Designing for Everyone’s Eyes

When designing a print marketing piece, we tend to think about our target audience in terms of what they buy and what their demographics are, including household income, number of children, and occupation. But what about your audience’s ability to easily read the piece in the first place?  Not everyone in your target audience has […] →Read more

Don’t Miss Your Chance: Maximizing Your Trade Show Success

When you are displaying at a trade show, you’ve got one shot to breakthrough. The show may last a weekend, and sometimes only a day, so don’t miss a single opportunity to engage with potential customers. Eye-catching displays, such as booth banners, backlit displays, and floor graphics, are a great start. Here are five other […] →Read more

3 Multichannel Marketing Stats to Inspire You

Multichannel marketing campaigns are more effective than single-channel campaigns, but let’s face it, they are more work, too. Check out these multichannel marketing statistics, which can keep you motivated to “channel” your way to success.  1. Two-thirds of shoppers use more than one channel.  This data comes from the Wharton School of Business, which found […] →Read more