One of the tough parts about keeping your direct mail effective is change. One of the tough things about change is it usually costs money. Here are some low cost ideas that might help you with your next direct mail piece. Change your outer envelope. A new color or a different size may be all […] →Read more
Non-Profits need donations. People want to give to non-profits. What it the best way to make this happen? A recent study shows that the best method is to send direct mail that gives the recepient a place to give online. Here are some of the findings: 50% of donors surveyed in 2012 said they prefer […] →Read more
The US Postal Service has changed the requirements for Folded Self-mailer (FSM) automation mailings starting in 2013 and they may affect your design and print production. The changes go into effect January 5, 2013 and include new size requirements and new folding, tabbing and gluing requirements. The specs for these changes are included below and […] →Read more
Political campaigns have relied on direct mail for years but this year there will be new twists. With direct mail integrating with the new waves of interactive media this year will be like no other. Here is a little insight in to what both Democrats and Republicans have in store. Far more than in elections […] →Read more
Coupon mailers are a staple of direct mail. There is a reason why. This study shows that coupons work even when they aren’t used. An experiment analyzed by University of Virginia Darden School of Business professors found that unredeemed coupons are still valuable to the companies that issue them. “In fact, the coupons that wind […] →Read more
When you spend lots of time doing anything it is easy to overlook the basics. Here are some simple things to think through that maybe you’ve been taking for granted lately. Make them feel important. The people who understand the value of an offer best are the folks who develop direct mail and e-mail programs. […] →Read more
Advertising legend David Ogilvy hated the word “creative” in the context of the work his firm did for clients. In Confessions of an Advertising Man he wrote, “I tell new recruits that I will not allow them to use the word creative to describe the functions they are to perform in the agency.” The job […] →Read more
More and more consumers rely on their phones for more than just phone calls. It’s no wonder that SMS messaging is developing as a real avenue for reaching customers. Among consumers who have signed up for text alerts from retailers and merchants: 26% say that the information they received has led them to purchase the […] →Read more
We all use our work email differently but there are some things that our co-workers do that just drive us bonkers. You might want to read through this to make sure you’re not causing others too much grief. 1. Don’t complain about getting a lot of e-mail. We all do. Sharing an inflated number of […] →Read more