If you think you can’t take advantage of personalized print marketing because you only have a person’s name and address, take heart! There are three highly effective approaches to personalization that you can deploy with just two data points. Let’s take a look. 1. Know Their House, Know Their Needs You can learn a lot […] →Read more
If you want to sell a kid a toy, invite him to play with it in the toy store. Once the child pushes the buttons, pulls the levers, and engages the gadgets, your chances of making a sale go way up. The same concept applies in print. When people receive printed pieces that encourage interaction, […] →Read more
Ever wonder what your customers really think about you? Instead of guessing, it’s a good idea to ask. Customer surveys sent by direct mail, email, and online can give insights that make the difference between steering the company in the right direction and missing the boat. Research shows that there is a huge perception gap […] →Read more
What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of commitment that makes customers stick with you, even when your competitors become more aggressive, and price competition intensifies? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Profile your customers. Customer bases are not homogenous. They are made up of different demographics, with different needs […] →Read more
Is your marketing getting tired? Is your target audience tuning out your mailings because you’re sending the same campaign over and over? Maybe it’s time to mix things up. Here are five ideas to get people noticing your direct mailings again. 1. Get creative with envelopes. Envelopes can be a lot of fun. They […] →Read more
In a world infatuated with digital, print marketers have a secret in their pockets—print. Here are three reasons why print still packs a wallop, even in a digital world. 1. Digital channels aren’t as inexpensive as you’d think. Just because there isn’t a print and mail cost doesn’t mean that digital channels are less […] →Read more
Every year, Target Marketing surveys its readership to identify trends for the upcoming marketing year. This year, its “2019 Marketing Budget Survey” found that a whopping 10x more marketing budgets are increasing for 2019 than decreasing. Great news! That’s the kind of commitment that gets results. Here’s how the data on respondents’ budgets broke out: […] →Read more
What happens when your brick-and-mortar location depends on business from people who work nearby but don’t live there? How do you reach them? Wide-format graphics, including sidewalk signs! Your target audience is walking by your location multiple times a day. A well-placed professional sidewalk sign is one of your best, most effective tools for reaching […] →Read more
One of the critical factors in building audience engagement is trust. When your audience trusts you, they engage more and spend more money. Using marketing content that your audience considers trustworthy helps to build that engagement. This means third-party content. No matter how great your company, no matter how strong its track record, your customers […] →Read more
Are you among the marketers who have not yet started sending personalized direct mail and email communications? Are you still using a “one size fits all” marketing strategy? If so, here are three data points that you should keep in mind. 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it […] →Read more