5 Mailing List Options

Mailing lists have been around almost as long as mail. In the age of big data some of the guess work is taken out and saturation mailings aren’t required to get to your target audience. Here are a few list types to consider for your next mailing.

The house list:You create this list yourself. It’s made up of current customers, past customers, and anyone who has contacted your business. House lists are effective—since these are warm prospects with some definite interest and trust in you—and should be used regularly.
The response list: This list includes people who have responded to businesses that offer similar products to yours. You can get these kinds of lists from providers such as magazines, private list companies, or direct mail companies. Although these prospects have not responded to you specifically, they have shown interest in your type of products, which means they should be warm to your offer already.
The targeted demographic list: This type of list is made up of anyone you want to target. Demo lists target prospects by demographics like age, gender, geographic location, income level, and number of children in the home, which means you can get very specific about who you want to target.
The opt-in list: Opt-ins are ideal because individuals have actually asked to be on them. They can, however, be on the more expensive end of the spectrum. In spite of this they can yield incredible ROI, so they should not be neglected entirely.
The segmented list: A segmented list is like a demo list, but even more targeted. Segmented lists target prospects by very specific data like spending and saving habits, reading preferences, vacation/travel patterns, etc. You can also use segmentation technology to analyze your current customer base. This allows you to identify similarities and build a list based on those common traits.

(via DM News)

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