USPS rate case ongoing; April 26 implementation not clear

The USPS rate case is ongoing. We are still waiting for final rate charts to be published and will distribute them to you as soon as they are available.
Note: There is some legal controversy over the 45-day advance notice requirement. The statute requires the 45-day notice, but it is not clear whether the 45 days is from the date of filing or from the date on which final rates are issued. If 45-day notice is calculated from the date of filing, then the April 26 implementation date is still feasible. However, if the 45-day notice is calculated from the date on which final rates are issued, then the April 26 implementation date is no longer possible.
We, through our industry trade association, will be arguing that the Postal Rate Commission should interpret the 45-day requirement to count from the issuance of final rates. To do otherwise would seem to run contrary to Congressional intent in establishing the requirement.
As always, you’ll be kept apprised of developments.

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