Update Regarding U.S. Postal Rates for 2014

We want to help you understand what is happening with the January 26th, 2014 USPS postage increase.

-The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has approved the USPS postage rate increases that are capped by law by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). (Click here to view those prices.)
-It is still likely that the PRC will approve an additional “Rate Adjustment Due To Extraordinary Or Exceptional Circumstances.” That increase would be in addition to the CPI approved increase; that request to increase the rates beyond the CPI is referred to as the USPS’s Exigency Request. The PRC’s Exigency decision is still pending.
-With or without the Exigency increase, new postage rates will go into effect on January 26th, 2014.

Regarding the Exigency decision:

-It is possible that the PRC could get hung up on some difficult matter that would push the Exigency increase back so the Exigent portion of the rate increase would be implemented after January 26th.
-Our guess is that at this point the Exigent increase will be approved by the PRC in time to be implemented on January 26th and it will result in an additional 2.5% increase on top of the published and approved CPI-Capped postage rates.

As we learn more, we’ll quickly pass the information on to you.

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