• Make It Personal: It’s Not Optional Anymore

    It used to be that personalizing your marketing, whether digitally or in print, was something that made you stand out. It was something your competitors weren’t doing, so your customers and prospects took notice. Today, personalization has become expected so that people notice if you are not personalizing. Instead of being a positive differentiator, it has become […]

  • Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting

    You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted, well-concepted campaign, sometimes you don’t net the sale. Why?  Often, it’s because many conversations need to be kept going before they bear fruit. This is where retargeting comes in. Once a prospect visits your website, you target them again (retarget them) […]

  • Why Your Text Should Have Color, Too

    When it comes to images, we know that color pushes the needle when it comes to motivating buyers. A picture of a juicy hamburger topped with bright green lettuce and ripe red tomato is far more compelling than the same image in black-and-white. So why should we be surprised that color in your marketing and […]

  • Got Incentive? Are You Matching the Right Incentive to the Right Audience?

    Incentives can be critical to getting people to respond to your marketing offer, and not every incentive will motivate every buyer. The two have to be properly matched. Do you put as much thought into the incentive as you do into your list, your creative, and your message? Does the value of the incentive match […]

  • 9 Components Every Marketing Campaign Must Have

    Want to make your marketing campaigns the most effective they can be? Be sure to hit all of the key marketing components. Most marketers know the importance of the list, the message, and the offer, but there are other components, too. Here are nine “must haves” for any marketing campaign. How many do your campaigns […]

  • Leads Need Nurturing, Too!

    It would be great if everyone who responds to a print or email contact would make a purchase right away, but they often don’t. Even when people don’t convert right away, don’t assume that’s a dead lead. It just might need nurturing. According to Brian Carroll, author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, up […]

  • More Better Results? Go Interactive!

    If you want to sell a kid a toy, invite him to play with it in the toy store. Once the child pushes the buttons, pulls the levers, and engages the gadgets, your chances of making a sale go way up. The same concept applies in print. When people receive printed pieces that encourage interaction, […]

  • Closing the Customer Perception Gap

    Ever wonder what your customers really think about you? Instead of guessing, it’s a good idea to ask. Customer surveys sent by direct mail, email, and online can give insights that make the difference between steering the company in the right direction and missing the boat. Research shows that there is a huge perception gap […]

  • 5 Steps to Customer Loyalty

    What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of commitment that makes customers stick with you, even when your competitors become more aggressive, and price competition intensifies? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Profile your customers. Customer bases are not homogenous. They are made up of different demographics, with different needs […]