• Marketing Lessons: Avoid These 5 Mistakes to Boost Your Strategy and Results

    Marketers learn from what some do well and from what others don’t. Either way, they learn. Let’s look at five “don’ts” we can take away from the mistakes of others.  See any you need to fix in your marketing? 1. Don’t complicate. Not every marketing communication needs to provide a lot of detail. When you’ve […]

  • Case Study: The Power of a “Thank You” Note

    When you are shipping products, do you include a simple thank you? You might be surprised by what a difference it can make. Most buyers open the box, take out their purchase, and recycle it with little thought. But opening the package to find a thoughtful and beautifully printed card can change that experience and […]

  • 4 Things Direct Mail Does That Email Can’t

    As a marketer, you know the value of email. You may also see the value of print marketing. But do you know the areas where one is better than another? Let’s look at four places where direct mail beats out email and does things email cannot do. 1. Bypassing opt-ins: Unlike email, direct mail doesn’t […]

  • Making Content Marketing Work for You

    One of the fastest-growing types of marketing is content marketing. Why? Because it works. Content marketing positions you as a thought leader, establishes credibility, and is often the gateway to your customers discovering your business. One study found, for example, that year-over-year growth in unique website traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders than […]

  • 6 Principles of Marketing Persuasion

    Understanding buyer psychology is key to grabbing consumers’ attention and getting people to buy. The 6 Principles of Marketing Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini is one of the most influential models in this approach. Cialdini’s six principles—scarcity, reciprocity, authority, social proof, liking, and consistency—can help boost results and get customers to act quickly. Let’s take […]

  • 5 Tips for Data You Can Trust

    The success of your marketing campaigns hinges on having excellent, reliable data. But how can you be sure that you are working with data you can trust? Here are five tips for getting it right. 1. Clean and update your data. When was the last time you ran your database through a mailing list cleansing […]

  • Want Better Profits? Open an Online Storefront

    If you aren’t already using an e-commerce portal to archive, order, and manage your print materials, you are leaving money on the table. How? Let’s look at five costs associated with manual print ordering and management and how you save money using an online storefront instead. 1. Administrative time. How long does it take one […]

  • 5 Tips for Better Multichannel Campaigns

    With your customers being bombarded with so many different channels daily, how do you pick the right channel(s) to get your message across? In an ideal world, you’d use every channel your customers interact with. In the real world, however, very few companies can make that happen. Fortunately, there are some simple guidelines for maximizing […]

  • 5 Tips for Letting Psychology Propel Your Marketing

    Today more than ever, effective marketing is based on psychology. Whether you are using direct mail, email, or mobile, these five trends have been growing in importance over the past few years. Why do these trends continue to grow? Because they work. 1. Let your culture and personality show. Increasingly, consumers are looking at the […]

  • Turning a Bank from “Stodgy” to “Personal”

    Do you always need lots of data to make your mailings seem personal? No. Take the example of MB Financial, a Chicago-based financial institution that used segmentation to achieve great results. It’s a formula that any company can follow to make its mailings feel more personal and increase conversions without personalizing them down to the […]