• Got Incentive? Are You Matching the Right Incentive to the Right Audience?

    Incentives can be critical to getting people to respond to your marketing offer, and not every incentive will motivate every buyer. The two have to be properly matched. Do you put as much thought into the incentive as you do into your list, your creative, and your message? Does the value of the incentive match […]

  • Top Reasons to Use More Visual Content

    You’ve spent weeks developing the messaging for your Spring Fling mailer or your annual fundraising letter.  You know your audience. Your message is on target. The call to action is compelling. You can’t wait to see what happens. The campaign drops and the results are… disappointing.  What went wrong? One question to ask is, “Did […]

  • More Better Results? Go Interactive!

    If you want to sell a kid a toy, invite him to play with it in the toy store. Once the child pushes the buttons, pulls the levers, and engages the gadgets, your chances of making a sale go way up. The same concept applies in print. When people receive printed pieces that encourage interaction, […]

  • Closing the Customer Perception Gap

    Ever wonder what your customers really think about you? Instead of guessing, it’s a good idea to ask. Customer surveys sent by direct mail, email, and online can give insights that make the difference between steering the company in the right direction and missing the boat. Research shows that there is a huge perception gap […]

  • 5 Steps to Customer Loyalty

    What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of commitment that makes customers stick with you, even when your competitors become more aggressive, and price competition intensifies? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Profile your customers. Customer bases are not homogenous. They are made up of different demographics, with different needs […]