• Is Brand Awareness Worth the Investment

    We all want to sell more products and services, and for decades, brand awareness has been the subject of research and study. Is this a good investment of your marketing dollars? To what extent does brand awareness truly influence the final purchase decision? As it turns out, quite a lot. Here are the results from […]

  • Want Better Direct Mail Copy? Tighten It Up!

    What’s one of the keys to creating great direct mail copy? Keeping it tight! Over the years, the amount of copy used in direct mail campaigns has dropped. In fact, according to Who’s Mailing What! (WMW!), a national database of direct mail, the amount of copy used in direct mail pieces has dropped by a […]

  • How to Stay in Touch Without Being Annoying

    What makes for great direct mail? It’s content, but it’s also timing and frequency. The ideal number of mailings is often said to be eight to ten per year. However, while repetition is essential, you don’t want to annoy people either. To be effective, you need to strike a balance. One of the ways you […]

  • Personalization: It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

    When it comes to personalization in marketing, both digital and print, are you still on the sidelines? Do you want to give personalization a try, but think it’s too complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways to think about personalized marketing to kick-start your efforts. 1. Relevance doesn’t require tons of data. […]

  • 5 Tips for Maximizing Trade Show Marketing

    Did you know that 76% of B2B marketers consider event marketing to be their most successful top-of-funnel marketing tactic? If you are one of them, this number doesn’t surprise you because you know how effective trade shows can be. But not every company that does trade show marketing is getting the most out of it.  […]

  • Make It Personal: It’s Not Optional Anymore

    It used to be that personalizing your marketing, whether digitally or in print, was something that made you stand out. It was something your competitors weren’t doing, so your customers and prospects took notice. Today, personalization has become expected so that people notice if you are not personalizing. Instead of being a positive differentiator, it has become […]

  • Cover Your Bases: Designing for Everyone’s Eyes

    When designing a print marketing piece, we tend to think about our target audience in terms of what they buy and what their demographics are, including household income, number of children, and occupation. But what about your audience’s ability to easily read the piece in the first place?  Not everyone in your target audience has […]

  • Don’t Miss Your Chance: Maximizing Your Trade Show Success

    When you are displaying at a trade show, you’ve got one shot to breakthrough. The show may last a weekend, and sometimes only a day, so don’t miss a single opportunity to engage with potential customers. Eye-catching displays, such as booth banners, backlit displays, and floor graphics, are a great start. Here are five other […]

  • Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting

    You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted, well-concepted campaign, sometimes you don’t net the sale. Why?  Often, it’s because many conversations need to be kept going before they bear fruit. This is where retargeting comes in. Once a prospect visits your website, you target them again (retarget them) […]

  • Why Your Text Should Have Color, Too

    When it comes to images, we know that color pushes the needle when it comes to motivating buyers. A picture of a juicy hamburger topped with bright green lettuce and ripe red tomato is far more compelling than the same image in black-and-white. So why should we be surprised that color in your marketing and […]