9 Components Every Marketing Campaign Must Have

Want to make your marketing campaigns the most effective they can be? Be sure to hit all of the key marketing components. Most marketers know the importance of the list, the message, and the offer, but there are other components, too. Here are nine “must haves” for any marketing campaign. How many do your campaigns […] →Read more

Do You Know These 9 Buyer Types?

Do you know who your buyers are? Are they trailblazers? Status seekers? Do they play it safe? Different messaging appeals to different personality types, so it’s helpful to know which categories your customers fall into. Here is the list of “types” created by marketing strategist Gary Hennerberg. Do you know which categories your customers fit? […] →Read more

Before You Personalize, Do This!

Want to rock the results of your next personalized marketing campaign? Profile before you personalize! What do we mean by that? We mean understanding what your customers look like as aggregate demographic or psychographic groups before you send targeted mailings or personalize to them as individuals. As a very simplified example, let’s take age. Each […] →Read more

Top Reasons to Use More Visual Content

You’ve spent weeks developing the messaging for your Spring Fling mailer or your annual fundraising letter.  You know your audience. Your message is on target. The call to action is compelling. You can’t wait to see what happens. The campaign drops and the results are… disappointing.  What went wrong? One question to ask is, “Did […] →Read more

How Strong Is Your Direct Mail Foundation?

Designing a new direct mail campaign? Let the creativity flow! However, the basics still need to come first. Before setting your designer loose, take a step back and make sure you’ve covered the fundamentals. 1. Mailing list Is your mailing list current? Are you mailing to the right people? Are the names up to date? […] →Read more

Keeping the Customer Experience Seamless

In today’s world, customers want easy. Whether it’s shopping, researching products, or hearing about products for the first time, they want everything to be seamless. Yet for many, the process is still fragmented. How can you connect the dots so that your customers receive a consistent, relevant message regardless of the channel? It starts with […] →Read more

The Hottest New Market: Your Own Customers!

Often, when we want to boost revenues, we think about drumming up new customers. But why not look to your existing customers instead? You spent a significant amount of time and money winning them over. If you treat them right, they can become your most fertile ground for growing sales. Tapping into this market is […] →Read more

Leads Need Nurturing, Too!

It would be great if everyone who responds to a print or email contact would make a purchase right away, but they often don’t. Even when people don’t convert right away, don’t assume that’s a dead lead. It just might need nurturing. According to Brian Carroll, author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale, up […] →Read more

Language Your Audience “Gets”

Whether you are writing copy for a postcard or an email, the language you use matters.  Just like products and images, the wording you use should be matched to the different demographics of your target audience(s). Let’s look at three examples: #1: Millennials Millennials have great influence and spending power, and despite conventional wisdom, they […] →Read more

Omni? Multi? Cross? Integrated? What’s the Difference?

When it comes to using multiple channels to communicate with your customers, there are many terms thrown around. Is there a meaningful difference between them? If so, what is it? Let’s take a look. Multichannel: Multichannel marketing is just as it sounds: using more than one channel to talk to your customers, whether the channels […] →Read more